PiCCA (Partners in International Collaborative Community Aid) is an Australian giving circle whose mission is to improve health, education, income and job prospects for disadvantaged communities overseas, through sustainable projects that are locally driven, managed, and resourced. PiCCA’s members pool donations of money, time and expertise and are actively involved in locating potential projects, choosing how donations are used and assisting project partners with their work.
The Melbourne chapter of Social Venture Partners International (SVP) was formed in 2013 by 10 founding partners. The chapter is an interesting example of a 'transplanted' model from a US network which has adapted to local needs and priorities. The partners wanted to use grants to support local charities and a fund that could also invest in social enterprises. From the beginning SVP Melbourne forged a strategic partnership with a long established grantmaker to add value to its mission.
Set up in 2011by a group of individuals inspired by the Impact 100 women's giving circle model in the US. After 2 yeras the circle, comprised of men and women, numbered over 100, each committed to a minimum donation of A$1,000 annually. The circle is hosted by their local community foundation and members volunteer their time as well as grants.
Hong Kong

New Day Asia was conceived around a dinner table amongst friends in Hong Kong in 2007. The circle's members wanted to pool their resources to address poverty, educational rights and the impact of sex-trafficking among girls and young women in Asia. Members pledged a modest monthly contribution of HK$500 (US$65). The total pooled funds raised by the middle of 2016 was approximately US$750,000, supplemented by approximately US$200,000 in co-funding from corporate businesses, which were donated to projects in Cambodia, India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, China and Nepal. The circle continued until 2018. These case studies explore how the circle was initiated and grown, and how its members leveraged their skills to add value to the funds donated to the non-profit organisations they supported.
Future Funders was launched in Hong Kong in 2014 with impetus from Synergy Social Ventures, a non-profit organisation that supports social entrepreneurs. The partnership with Synergy provides learning opportunities for giving circle members and co-funding.
The Social Impact Leaders Group is an initiative of UBS Optimus Foundation and a group of young, 'next-gen' Asian philanthropists. The initiative aims to help educate young leaders about philanthropy though the medium of collective giving. The group has helped finance and provide volunteer support to an educational project in Sichuan, China.
Dasra is a pioneering Indian philanthropy intermediary that supports social entrepreneurs, high-agency philanthropists and philanthropic collaboratives. In 2010 Dasra launched a giving circle initiative for wealthy individuals to support non-profits working in strategic, priority sectors. Each circle is time-limited and works in partnership with Dasra's capacity building services.
Focus India Forum was launched in 2002 by Indian expatriates residing in Singapore as a means to remain connected to and support their home country's charity sector.

Social Venture Partners (SVP) India launched its first chapter in Bangalore in 2012, part of the SVP international network. New city chapters were steadily added across India which borrow from the core SVP model and adapt to local circumstances. Together the chapters aim to help create a million jobs through their suppoprt of livelihood initiatives.
Caring Friends was formed in Mumbai in 2002 as an informal network that connects individuals with pre-selected rural NGOs. More than 40 organisations have been supported by over 350 'friends'.

Social Venture Partners (SVP) Tokyo became the first international chapter of the North American netwok in 2005. The circle originated 2 years earlier as a network of young professionals who met regularly to learn about the non-profit sector.
MURC is the think tank arm of the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group – Japan’s largest financial group. In 2013 MURC launched a Social Business Support Programme to support the company’s social responsibilities. The programme adopts an approach derived from venture philanthropy and works in partnership with Social Venture Partners Tokyo (see above).

ARUN was established in 2009 by 11 founding partners as a hybrid giving circle/angel investing network. The fund invests in social businesses in Cambodia.
Other Asian Countries
SVP Seoul traces its origins to South Korea’s Hope Institute, an independent think tank that fosters social innovation at community and national level, one of several philanthropic initiatives of The Beautiful Foundation. In 2012, 30 young professionals who had volunteered for the Hope Institute’s programmes launched SVP Seoul, which is modelled on Social Venture Partners and became formally affiliated with the U.S. network more recently.

Little Red Dot (lrd) Singapore was set up in 2015 by a group of friends inspired by the giving circle model. The circle supports an NGO working with girls and young women in Cambodia.

The Awesome Foundation is a global network of giving circles which originated in Boston, US. The highly localised model is informally organised and appeals to younger donors.